Fifty-eight per cent of Canadians have no interest in the two sides reaching an agreement in the National Hockey League dispute, according to survey results out today. The telephone survey by NRG Research Group and Peak Communicators was completed between December 11th and 16th in six regions across Canada. It includes the responses of 801 individuals.
The survey results, which come out a week after the NHL announced the cancellation of games through to December 30th, also found that 25 per cent of Canadians don’t believe the lockout will be resolved in time to salvage a season.
“Canadians are clearly becoming disillusioned with the dispute process,” says Brian Owen, CEO and founder of NRG Research Group. “A large majority of us either don’t care about a settlement or don’t see an end in sight to the negotiations.”
The poll found small pockets of optimism, with 15 per cent of Albertans believing a settlement could be reached in the next couple of weeks and 15 per cent of Quebecers believing a settlement would be reached in the New Year.
The survey was conducted in both official languages. A survey of 801 people provides results with a confidence interval of +/- 3.5 per cent 19 times out of 20.
For a related Vancouver Sun article, read here.
Tags: hockey, NHL, NRG Research Group, Peak Communicators, poll, survey, Vancouver Sun
In July 2012, Peak was approached by Great River Fishing Adventures to promote a 12-foot long, 1000-pound sturgeon caught by one of their customers on the Fraser River. They hoped for some media coverage.
Within a week, Peak packaged a media kit which involved a news release, a fact sheet and a video of the giant fish being caught and then released. We organized a meeting with all TV stations under the Mission Bridge where reporters could interview the British couple who caught the sturgeon, shoot video of the Great River Fishing Adventures charter boat on the water and speak with the company’s president and guide.
The “once in a lifetime catch” got wide international coverage in print, online, on radio, including visual stories on the newscasts for Global-TV, CBC and CTV. Great River Fishing Adventures had never experienced anything like this. After seeing the footage their phones were ringing off the hooks. Their boats were booked up for months.
In mid-September 2012, less than two months later, it happened again. Another 1000-pound sturgeon, this one 11 feet eight inches long, caught by a team of 30 from a Kamloops accounting firm.
Peak saw no problem with getting all the media to do the story again. We played on the uniqueness of this event: “It was supposed to happen once in a generation…but just two months later it happened again!”.
We reprised the file footage from the July catch, we added new images and Peak reeled in another 50 media hits, including stories on the newscasts for Global-TV, CBC and CTV. Both CTV National News and Global National News picked up the story for their million-plus viewers.
Great River Fishing Adventures said they were hoping to develop more corporate “team-building” clientele. Like magic – it happened after this story ran throughout Canada.
Tags: fishing, Great River Fishing Adventures, media coverage, media kit, Peak Communicators, river fishing, sturgeon